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Garment Of Praise-Nathanael
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

Lending out money

some rules


Debt can be a big problem; it means that more is going out than what is coming in.

we should all try and live within our means.

But that is not easy, we have economic problems all the time in Bethlehem, sometimes it is because of the political situation, at the moment it is the virus.

We also have to be careful who we lend money too.

If you can't afford to lose it, then don't lend it.

So, if someone comes to you and they plead and promise, firstly the principle should be can I afford to lose it?

Next, can they afford to pay it me back?

How many other people do they owe money to, so where am I on the list?

Do they have a means of paying it back? If they don't have a job but swear then they will pay you back then how realistic is it that you will get your money back?

People will promise you the earth when they want something but as soon as they have what they want then they don't care.

As soon as you have lent money you have lost all your power.

I am not saying don't lend to people, we need to be people who help others but if you put these principles in order first then it will save you from heartache and grief.

It is a sad thing to lose a friend or brother because of money.

Money is a root of all kinds of evil, you can see the character of someone by how they treat you in regards to money.

Money is a good thing when we are wise and sensible but it can become a snare if you don't treat it with respect.

If you are someone who needs to borrow money then be honest with people, tell them the truth about the money you need to borrow.

If you know it will take a little time to pay it back be honest with the person who is lending you the money, after all he is someone you are turning to, so they must be a friend. Treat them with respect.

If you have set a time frame to pay the money back then do everything in your power to pay it back when you said you would.

If you can't pay It all back then pay a little back, in that way you are showing the lender that you are willing to pay money back.

The more honest you are with someone the more likely they are to lend you in the future.

So, keep everything straight and save a friendship.


الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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