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Garment Of Praise-Nathanael
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Mr OK Theatre

Working with Children and youth to bring peace .


Mr Ok Theatre is a theatre focused on Children , to reach children and to bring happiness and the main theme and the main vision for us is to bring back the real value for children.


When were you started and why were you started ?


I was working with the bible society many years ago and then I go and move to live in Bethlehem

and it was difficult to reach Jerusalem again because my wife didn't have permission But I feel something special with children I feel that they are lost , nobody care about their value, not much interest in children, to reach children to give them happiness and actually the thing which touched me , touched my heart to start doing that is the story in the bible about Jesus ,when the families bring their children to Jesus and the disciples they said ''No no don't bring'' then Jesus was very angry

because of what they were doing, he stopped what he was doing and accepted the children and hugged them and laid his hand on them and from that story I think what Jesus done was give the real value for Children and I said I want to do that.I want to give real value for children and reach them by love and give them love and hug them and bless them as what Jesus did .


What sort of themes do you cover in the theatre, what sort of stories do you do .?


We done many themes, there is general things like be clean from outside and inside and express your feeling and don't hide and love is stronger , yes things like that and also try to teach them about forgiveness and love and how they can make their life better with love , Love makes their life better.


Are you welcomed into government schools as well.?


Yes yes I work with the public school actually in Bethlehem , we visit the public school like twice in a week we bring them happiness and a good message for their life.


How many schools do you visit altogether ?


Altogether we reach much much schools here in Bethlehem and Ramallah and everywhere in the west bank , during the year we reach 1000's, 1000's of children. Which is about 35 schools or more because we have other things we do with the children, not only with the school .


Do you travel abroad to do work abroad ?


Yes we went to the refugees in Jordan to do shows and give them happiness it was great , we did for the Syrian refugees a couple of shows for them it was really a good experience to see the children happy from what we were doing .


Do you do special projects for Christmas and Easter ?

Yeah for Christmas and Easter I have a special program and drama and the theme is to give the real meaning of Christmas and the real meaning of Easter and also to give happiness for the children and their parents .


That must make you very busy around Christmas and Easter time


Yeah at Christmas time I done many shows, like this Christmas I did 32 shows all over the west bank and some area in Jerusalem also .



Do you go to schools for children with special needs as well ?


Yes we visit, we said we want to focus on these groups who are ignored and who have special needs

we try to focus on these groups and to follow up also like especially the orphanages , we work with orphanages but not only 1 visit we work like monthly activity we did drama and we did activity, many activities , fun activities and therapy activity also with these children and we try to follow up to make their life better.


Now you are working with children do you also do performances for adults as well.?


Yeah, the adults most of the time or specific shows they will be with their children so when they are with there children they see but we focus on children but especially Christmas and Easter time usually there is parents with their children.



How many people do you have on the team ?


I have with my team 7 , there are 4 full time and there are others who went to university and work sometimes with me. We look of course to have a big team because this work needs a lot of time .


It must be expensive to actually run a theatre, so how are you funded ?


Yes we have some friends who like what we do and they support that and some shows, whoever is able to give an offering for it they supported and there is also some churches also they support our work .


So you are really seeing God provide ?


Yes it is, God is the provider , we are really doing that by faith, we have the desire to reach children

and God knows that and Yes Every time God he provides the things .


Can we find you on Facebook and Youtube , some of the work that you do.?


Yes we have a page on facebook, Mr OK Theatre and all our news you will find it there or our activity yes and we are now working on having a web page to reach the people .


What is it like for you to see a child with a smile on his face .?


When you see a child smile then you feel that there is a meaning for life, that gives me a meaning for my life if I live in here in a bad situation struggling, and many people want to leave the country, I can think like them but because I am doing this, this gives me a special meaning for my life, when I see that I can make their life better, I can give them happiness, I can teach them good things, thats amazing to feel , how you are able to make the peoples life better, the kids life better, This gives meaning to my life and this keeps me going on in what I do.


Why do you do what you do?


Why? I do it as I told you, I take my example from the story of Jesus, he gave a value for children, and this has become the vision of us to give real value, to bring it back , for the children.in anything we do we like to give the children a real value, we love them , we hug them, we give them a good message we try in any way to help them to make their life better.


And what is your prayer for the theatre and the children in particular ?.


For the theatre I pray that God sends more workers that have this heart for the children, they love to reach these children, this is my prayer that God sends a worker for his harvest, big harvest we are few but we reach many people but its not enough we need more workers and more support also because they need to be full time to work and to visit the schools, to do the program its not easy for someone who works in a different job and at the same time working here.

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